Liam (and his Dad) and the train set!
Liam is 'train daft', and a particular devotee of Thomas the Tank Engine, so we've gradually built up a reasonably complex train network in our front room (variously pictured - no flash on the camera, alas).
Liam can happily sit down, or lie next to (or on top of), the tracks and drag his trains along/ deliberately engineer head-on crashes/ wilfully ignore broken track (there's a job waiting for him at Network Rail...)

If truth be told, his Dad loves this track set as much as Liam does, as I get to set the network up: how many lines going under the bridges, where the junctions head off to, how it all fits together... It's addictive - and not untreatably sad, as you might be thinking.

To prove it, here are some layouts. (Do any other Dads secretly admire their efforts in this - all right, I admit it - really rather pathetic way?!)
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