Living in Durham - 2

As we said below in another post, Durham cathedral is a gobsmacking sight every time, at any time, from whatever angle. This picture below is of the Cathedral in the half-light of sunrise. Mighty. On several occasions, just walking round the town, and particularly when crossing the footbridge at Gilesgate, we have stopped to marvel at the sight of the cathedral against a sensational sunset...
It looks pretty marvellous lit up subtly at night, as well (this picture doesn't do it justice, but you get the idea...)

The picture above is taken from the Cathedral's tower, and shows the Palace Green in front, the castle in the top left - now, believe it or not, a student hall of residence - and, beyond, the rest of the city. See how relatively compact it is?
We live up by the University's main Science site, not far from the Cathedral (it first hoves into view about a minute into the walk down into town). This is our road, taken by Liam, believe it or not (Dad focussed it, Liam pushed the button...) We rent a property from the University. It's in an ideal position, as a halfway staging post between the University's Business School where I work and town. Plus, Liam now goes to pre-school at St Oswald's, which is theoretically only a two-minute walk from our house, but which ends up more like 5-10 if Liam is on his 'blue bikey', dodging the students on the way to lectures (see another post elsewhere)... He looks so cute in his school uniform. We've not got any pictures to confirm this as yet, but they are planned and imminent!
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