Winter 2009-10

As we head toward April, it looks like the 'proper'/ 'actual' winter of 2009-10 is now over.
Up in the frozen wastes of the North East, it did exactly what is said on the meteorological tin. Durham looked tremendous. As can be seen, the river froze at one point.
As for Liam, we had fun building decent-sized snowmen outside our house - eee, they get heavy to push around when they reach knee-height, don't they?! - and snowball fights on the way to school.
Funniest moment: Liam became aware that some schools elsewhere in the country
were being shut because of the snow, but every morning BBC Tyne and Wear confirmed that his school, St Oswald's, would be open and expecting the kids to show up, at the headmistress' behest. One morning, Liam finally lost patience: "What will it take for her to close the school?!" he protested...
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