Durham Miners' Gala 2011

The Durham Miners' Gala happens every year in early July, and it's a big day for the city and, more improtantly, for the surrounding villages that once sat on the Durham coalfield. This year two of the Chilean miners were guests of honour.

I'm not going to attempt some amateur sociological analysis of its contemporary incarnation. It's still clearly an event rooted in distinct communities, even though the mines have long gone - but it's also a bit weird.
Anyway - for Liam, it was a giant funfair, his first one.

And there were some great rides...

including a fun house, a helter skelter...

... and the dodgems...

But best of all were the giant balloons to roll around a swimming pool inside - we have so many great pictures of this, but here are a few:

Given this is an action shot taken with a mobile phone, it's pretty marvellous: