Barbados family holiday 2011
In April we were able to take a family holiday in Barbados, because Daddy was given another teaching assignment on Durham University's Caribbean MBA... Suffice to say, we rather enjoyed it!
Here is Liam drawing on the plane...

... and in the hotel pool, which has a pedestrian bridge going over it, and - even better - a cool tunnel at one end:

And in the sea at Rockley beach, just opposite our hotel:
On Sunday we took a fantastic tour of the east coast of the island, with one of Daddy's students, Marcelle Correia, which opened our eyes to the startlingly rich vegetation and variance in land formations and weather on an island that can fit ito the boundaries of Greater London three times. First up, we saw the carved lion on Gun Hill...

We then searched a village intriguingly named The Risk,

... finishing off with a great little walk along the beach at Cattlewash, so named because that's exactly what used to go on down at the beach in days of yore (credit, please, for this photo of V & L through some driftwood)...

The beach was raw and the waves rougher, and along the beach we could spot scuttling little soldier crabs

(look into the middle distance of one of the pics hereabouts of Valeria and Liam walking),

Thanks to Marcelle for a great day, and for several top quality, and very rare, photos of all of us together:
We also took a government bus up to Folkestone Bay on the west coast, near the top of the island (Rockley, where we are stayed, is on the south coast).

We then searched in the sea-bed for groovy-looking stones and coral - what we now know to be brain coral:

And a lovely sunset:

Liam and I also took a bus from Bridgetown into the country to Welchman Hall Gully (unfortunately Valeria was too poorly in the first couple of days). It's a nature reserve of interest to botanists, certainly, and the rich variety of flora is striking.
Here (s)he is [on the right hand side of the big picture, on a log].

Another great trip was with Jammin', to swim with the turtles. Liam had been practically hyperventilating with excitement at the prospect of doing so, but when it came to putting on his facemask he really didn't like the pinch on his nose.
It was magical, and both Liam and Valeria got so close they inadvertently brushed against one of the turtle's shells with their feet. As well as the pics taken with our underwater camera, here's one of Liam explaining to Mum - who'd been in the water next to him - just how big they were.
In truth, we only really got 45 minutes out of a full day's trip swimming with the turtles (perhaps for eco-reasons, so as not to hassle them too much?), and it would have been better to have another snorkel in another location.
But the rest of the day was fun, especially sliding down the slide and jumping off the boat (see the video)...
... and enjoying a great lunch, and availing ourselves of the free rum punch (with bitters - you have to drink it with bitters). I also encountered Blood/Foot On Fire, which is a particularly bonkers Bajan Soca tune of considerable local repute - well, in 2010 anyway - and is hereby recommended to you.
Another rare all-of-the-family photo:
We also did the other quintessentially 'Bajan' tourist thing, the Atlantis Submarine tour, which is excellent value for the thrills - if you get to see them.

First of all, you are taken out by boat into the bay around Bridgetown where you rendez-vous with the submarine coming up out of the water like something from a James Bond movie - very cool.

On our trip we dived to a depth of 144ft, and we were lucky to be on the starboard side where we saw loads of shoals of fish but also the big sights: a hawksbill turtle swam by, a stingray glided along the sea bed beneath us, and what we thought was a barracuda but was instead something more mundane...

A fantastic holiday!
Labels: Barbados, Family holiday