Liam's 4th birthday party
Liam held a party for his 4th birthday on 30th June, at the Action Re-play indoor play area in Bowburn just outside Durham.
Loads of his school friends came, including the two girls who every so often seem to be vying for his affections/are the subjects of his (Nathalie and Victoria), plus his other best friend Xavier, and from his school - deep breath - Adam, Alex, Andrew, Ben, Ben, Benedict, Jasmine, Matthew, Matthew & Charlie, Molly, Oliver, Oliver and Zofia; Ben, James and Lily from down the road and, from Thursday 'gymnastics' [well, rolling around and jumping up and down for an hour!] Sam and Freya.
Liam and the kids had a great time on the big slide and in the pit of plastic balls, etc, then somehow were corralled into the Jungle Room for some food, and Liam's cake, which was a special Lightning McQueen look-a-like, complete with modified tail bumper brearing his name, courtesy of some heroic work with the icing sugar pen from his Mummy. 

This is a great picture of Liam blowing out his candles (on stalks spelling out "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" in case you were wondering why there were so many!). It's also the only picture we have (we need to get ourselves a digital camera).